The Save Our Stages Act, which has been incorporated to the CARES ACT 2, began as a push for funding to save music venues. As the legislation evolved, theatres were included, but some of the text remained the same, which appears to preclude community theatres from receiving funding. The Save Our Stages Act states that artists must be paid, which is contradictory to the volunteer cast and crew that are the heart of community theatre.
Please write your U.S. Senate and Congressional leaders today asking them to change the wording to include volunteer performers. More than 7,000 community theatres operate across the country acting as economic engines in their respective communities. Arts organizations put millions into the economy, and ensure the preservation of our cultural life.
Please share with as many others who may want to participate. Since time is running short, please act quickly. Your Senate and Congressional leaders need to hear from you and as many of their constituents as we can encourage to contact them. Let your voice be heard.
Dear Senator/Representative (personalize each letter),
Thank you for your efforts in bringing legislation to help all Americans in these difficult times. One aspect of the Cares Act 2 that is of great concern for me relates to the Save Our Stages portion of the bill. As this Act will be going into effect very soon, we implore you to do everything in your power to make sure that the verbiage that will protect community theatres is added to this as soon as possible.
As you know, the act originated as a push to save live music venues. As such, wording about not paying artists by tips, or split of the door, remained in even after theatres were added into the eligible pool. This is a direct conflict with the very nature of community theatre whereby performers are volunteers. There are 7,000+ nonprofit community theatres in the U.S. putting millions into the national economy. These theatres, in communities from major cities to rural villages, have a combined budget of approximately $1 billion and engage more than 1.5 million volunteers, expressing their creativity through the art of theatre and engaging a combined audience of over 80,000,000 theatre goers of all ages.
Our community theatre, (your theatre’s name), is a vibrant and well-respected part of the arts community. I do not understand why organizations like this would be specifically excluded from much-needed support. Community theatres’ budgets have been decimated by the shut down and they truly deserve your support.
If you need additional information about (your theatre’s name), please contact me.
Thank you,
(Your name and contact information)
Contact information for Members of Congress can be found at the links below: