About Us

Mission Statement

The mission of the Aloha Theatre is to enrich the lives of Hawaii residents and visitors by providing quality live theatre, performing arts education, and a venue for artistic expression.

Value Statement

The Aloha Theatre strives to live up to our name by fostering the feeling of ‘Ohana.  We are committed to cultivating a respectful, inclusive environment.  Together we aspire to present high quality programs, embracing diversity which reflects the rich culture of our Hawai’i home and celebrating individual artistic endeavor to ensure positive experiences for artists, patrons, volunteers, and staff.

Vision Statement

The Aloha Theatre will be an anchor in West Hawaii for shared artistic experiences in our historic space, which will be preserved and renewed for the use of future generations.  We will be recognized for our commitment to our diverse home culture, enabling participation in the creation, understanding, and appreciation of the arts for all, regardless of background, experience, or ability.  The Aloha Theatre will be a catalyst for growth by presenting high-quality performing arts, and we will nourish the growing needs and interests of our community by integrating comprehensive arts education for all ages into every aspect of our work.

Board of Directors

Chair – Rich Mears
Vice Chair – Jeff Rowand
Secretary – Natalie Muensterman
Treasurer – Peter Schonberg & Scott Neish
– Karen Hollinger, Shraddhadharma Judd & Scarlette Burnham


Executive Director – Vacant
Artistic Director – Sara Athans
Education Director – Roxanne Fox
Interim Administrator – Linda Rowand
Administrative Associate – Kim Woods
Marketing Coordinator – Stefani Pelletier
Technical Coordinator – Jamie Hughes
Instructors – Brooke Aragon, Taylor Deskin, Justine Smith, Amelia Thorne


Professional Affiliations